15 июля 2024 BY deepc


At DEEP C Industrial Zones, we embrace our responsibility to foster a sustainable future, and this commitment is exemplified by our annual Sustainability Report. Building upon the foundations of last year’s report for the year 2022, we are excited to present our second Sustainability Report for 2023. This report serves as a comprehensive overview of our Environmental, Social, and Governance initiatives, policies, and performance during the reporting period.

Please note that our sustainability reporting is conducted annually, with each report covering the preceding twelve months. This consistency allows us to track our progress, set ambitious goals, and remain accountable to our stakeholders. The reporting period for 2023 Sustainability Report spans from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

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It is essential to note that transparency is paramount, which is why our financial reporting and Sustainability Report periods are aligned. Both periods cover the calendar year, from January to December. This synchronized approach ensures that stakeholders receive a comprehensive and integrated view of our performance, allowing for a cohesive understanding of our financial and sustainability endeavors. This strategic alignment reflects our devotion to clarity and provides stakeholders with a holistic perspective on our responsible business practices.

Our Sustainability Report is prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. Additionally, it aligns with globally recognized frameworks such as the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). This ensures our reporting is comprehensive, standardized, and comparable, offering our stakeholders confidence in the robustness of our disclosures.

This second edition of our Sustainability Report will be made available to the public in early July, in keeping with our commitment to timely communication and accountability. As we tackle the complexities of sustainability for the second consecutive year, we realize that collaboration is the key. This report is not just an update on our progress but also an invitation to stakeholders, partners, and the community at large to join us in building a sustainable future. In the following sections, we delve into the specifics of our ESG initiatives, materiality metrics, and the developments we have done toward the vision to become the first Eco-Industrial Park in Vietnam.