DEEP C Industrial Zones - Career Fair 2020

22 July 2020 BY deepc

 Last Saturday, July 19, DEEP C Career Fair 2020 welcomed more than 500 candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds, seniority, and age. Many of them are as young as 19 years old actively looking for internship opportunities, and many others are interested in stepping up their career with high-level jobs.

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At the event, candidates got to apply for their desired positions among 355 recruiting positions from 18 prestigious companies in DEEP C Industrial Zones such as Shinetsu, Bridgestone, Changhong, USI,… and DEEP C itself. After that, short interviews were conducted on the spot to help recruiters discover more about skill sets, strengths and weaknesses of potential candidates. 

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Especially, on the occasion of the Career Fair, DEEP C presented special gifts to students who overcame their difficulties and achieved high academic results. Each gift set included a bicycle and a fan. We hope that these special gifts will motivate them to keep up the good work and become potential talent resources in the future!

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